OpenForm User Guide

Fluid Flow Inlet Editor

Fluid Flow Inlet Editor

\clip (0,0) rectangle (\pw,\ph);

%% PICTURE 1 %%
\node[anchor=south, nosep] (A) at (0.50\pw,0.00\pw) {
    \includegraphics[trim=0pt 0pt 400pt 345pt, clip=true, width=1.0\pw]{\PicturePath/ParameterEditor/ParameterEditorAdvancedFFInlet}};

\node[anchor=south, nosep] (B) at ($(A.north)+(0.00\pw,0.00\pw)$) {
    \includegraphics[trim=0pt 130pt 400pt 0pt, clip=true, width=1.0\pw]{\PicturePath/ParameterEditor/ParameterEditorAdvancedFFInlet}};

%% TOOLS %%

Fluid Flow Inlet Editor.

\clip (0,0) rectangle (\pw,\ph);

%% Table %%
\node[anchor=south, nosep] (N) at (0.50\pw,0.00\ph)
    1&Kontrolparameter Geschwindigkeit.\\ \hline
    2&Kontrolparameter Druck.\\ \hline

%% PICTURE 1 %%
\node[anchor=south, nosep] (A) at ($(N.north)+(0.00\pw,0.02\pw)$) {

\draw[picline] ($(A.north west)+(0.000\isX,-0.250\isY)$) to ($(A.north west)+(-0.200\isX,-0.250\isY)$) node[piclabel]{1};

\draw[picline] ($(A.north west)+(0.000\isX,-0.750\isY)$) to ($(A.north west)+(-0.200\isX,-0.750\isY)$) node[piclabel]{2};

%% TOOLS %%

Dropdown Menü zur Auswahl des Kontrolparameters.